Tag Archives: protected by a silver spoon

An impossible Beatles Quiz (3….the Answers)

And the answers to Quiz No 3. I have amazed myself by how often I have picked my own favourite songs to quiz you about.

1       You say yes, I say no, you say stop and I say go go go but what do you say?

Well, here are the lyrics and the answer is clearly “goodbye” :

“You say yes, I say no

You say stop and I say go go go, oh no

You say goodbye and I say hello
Hello hello
I don’t know why you say goodbye, I say hello
Hello hello
I don’t know why you say goodbye, I say hello

And the song, of course, is “Hello, Goodbye”

The two biggest clues are the words “Hello, goodbye”, because the answer is “Hello Goodbye”

2A & 2B            A two part question as this song  has already been featured in Quiz No 2. Allegedly, Diane Ashley came in through the bathroom window, protected by a silver spoon, but (A) how many clubs a day did she work in, and (B) what could she do and what could she not do?

Firstly, 2(A) :

She said she’d always been a dancer
She worked at fifteen clubs a day
And though she thought I knew the answer
Well, I knew what I could not say
And then, the Hamlet question 2(B)………..
And so I quit the police department
And got myself a steady job
And though she tried her best to help me
She could steal, but she could not rob
And so, like so many people, fortunately for the rest of us, she could steal, but she could not rob.
3     Jo jo was a man who thought he was a loner?  But where did he live initially and where did he move to ?
Jo Jo was a man who thought he was a loner
But he knew it couldn’t last
Jo Jo left his home in Tucson, Arizona
For some California grass
Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back Jo Jo
Go home
Not too difficult. He lived in Tucson, Arizona and then he moved to a patch of nice green grass in California.

The group played this song, and others, in their last ever rooftop concert:

4      What’s it like in an Octopus’s Garden?

Well, there are quite a few details:

in the shade      We would be warm below the storm      Our little hideaway beneath the waves          near a cave

we can’t be found        We would shout and swim about       What joy for every girl and boy         

they’re happy and they’re safe

so happy you and me           No one there to tell us what to do

A lovely song from Ringo Starr.
5      In the song “Across the Universe”  what are the thoughts meandering like?
In a magnificent poem:
“Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup
They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind
Possessing and caressing me”
This is a song that was recorded in early 1968 and first released on a World Wildlife Fund album the following year.

6      Day after day, alone on his hill, what is the man with the foolish grin doing?

He’s a very busy man:

The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still      he never gives an answer     Sees the sun going down

the eyes in his head See the world spinning ’round        The man of a thousand voices talking perfectly loud

he never shows his feelings          He never listens to them        He knows that they’re the fools
7      Monday’s child, what has he learned to do?
Huge clue from the picture and “Lady Madonna”
“Friday night arrives without a suitcase
Sunday morning creeping like a nun
Monday’s child has learned to tie his bootlace
See how they run”

8     What is all you need?

If you’re a Beatles fan, you shouldn’t need a song to know this. You should know it already.

All you need is love
All you need is love
All you need is love, love
Love is all you need
Love, love, love
Love, love, love
Love, love, love

9     Who always cooked breakfast for the Queen?

Back to my favourite Beatles song:

“The king of Marigold was in the kitchen
Cooking breakfast for the queen
The queen was in the parlour
Playing piano for the children of the king”
Full English, of course:

10   Who was screaming from the gallery?

Easy, peasy, although I couldn’t persuade both Rose and Valerie to appear together. Anyway here’s Rose:

And here’s Valerie in one of her quieter moments:

And here’s the full, sordid, story

P.C. Thirty-One said “We caught a dirty one”
Maxwell stands alone
Painting testimonial pictures ohh oh oh oh
Rose and Valerie screaming from the gallery
Say he must go free (Maxwell must go free)
The judge does not agree and he tells them so oh oh oh
But as the words are leaving his lips
A noise comes from behind
Bang, bang, Maxwell’s silver hammer
Came down upon his head
Do do do do do
Bang, Bang, Maxwell’s silver hammer
Made sure that he was dead




Filed under the Beatles

An impossible Beatles Quiz (3….the Questions)

Hello there again, sad children of the sixties! I’d like to cheer you up with the third of a my series of four Beatles quizzes. The questions all refer to albums, including “Sergeant Pepper” and afterwards. If you want to look up the answers and do it that way, then good for you, but you might enjoy the questions more if you tried to do them yourself without any help from the Internet. I have tried to make the questions doable, but clearly, one or two are meant to be difficult. Incidentally, the questions do not necessarily relate particularly closely to the illustrations, although sometimes the illustrations are a very large clue.

1       You say yes, I say no, you say stop and I say go go go but what do you say?

2      A two part question as this song  has already been featured in Quiz No 2. Allegedly, Diane Ashley came in through the bathroom window, protected by a silver spoon, but (A) how many clubs a day did she work in, and (B) what could she do and what could she not do?

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3     Jo jo was a man who thought he was a loner?  But where did he live initially and where did he move to ?

4      What would it be like in an Octopus’s Garden??

5      In the song “Across the Universe”,  words are flowing out like endless rain into a what?

6      Day after day, alone on his hill, what is the man with the foolish grin doing?

7      Monday’s child, what has he learned to do?

8      What is all you need?

9     Who always cooked breakfast for the Queen?

10   Who was screaming from the gallery?


Answers soon!





Filed under the Beatles